Friday, October 15, 2010

There's no mystery in having a well behaved dog. It all comes down to just a few simple rules that absolutely anybody can follow. And those rules are in my dog training course Dog Training Blueprint To Success. It is a book you must buy

Seven Familiar Training Problems
People Have With Their Dogs...
Which Ones Do You Want To Overcome?
"Dog Training Blueprint To Success" is not going to show you how to make your dog play dead or give you its paw to shake. But it will give you the answers to some of the most common dog training problems professionals come up against. The sort of everyday things you want from your dog. Commonsense stuff like -
• how to toilet train your dog so you know it'll be 100% 'accident-proof'
• coming when called - immediately
• sitting - and staying put till you give the word
• walking quietly beside you on the leash - who needs a dislocated shoulder!
• walking quietly beside you off the leash
• how to stop your dog jumping up
• obeying your commands even when there are distractions like other dogs about

Here's What's In The Training Package
The main part of the training course is the 145 page book "Dog Training Blueprint To Success". If you only used the information contained in these pages and nothing more, even a complete dog training novice could train a dog to be clean in the house, come when called, walk to heel on and off the leash, go into a sit or down on command and hold that position for more than half an hour (even if you go out of sight!). And that's just for starters!
Some people learn better by listening to instructions rather than reading. If that describes you this next bit will be perfect for you. You also get the whole book recorded in mp3 format for you to listen to in the car, at the gym, while you walk the dog - just wherever it suits you.
Some things are easier to understand when you see someone demonstrate them for you. So I've included 21 videos that drill down into the finer detail of different training techniques. Watch as I show you exactly how to teach stuff like going into a 'sit' and a 'down', coming when called and walking on the leash.
So every angle's covered - you can watch it, listen to it and read about it. why not buy yours now
I'll Throw In All These Extras For You
  • "Interview With The Master - 231 Years Of Dog Training Expertise"
  • Toilet Training Case Studies
  • The Very Best of The Dog Training Blueprint Newsletter, Years One and Two
How much does all of these cost, just a little of $57 which is a give away price compared to the benefit of the book and audio tapes.
So what are you waiting for "buy your copy now"  and get ready to train all your friends and neighbors on how to train their Dogs.

Dog Behaviour Training

At some point in time all of us dog owners need to administer some dog behavior training. This is sometimes called "behavior modificaton" and it basically means solving your dog's behavior problems.
There are loads of dog behavior problems, they can affect all dog breeds, at any time throughout your dog's life. I've listed some of the more common dog behavior problems below, and importantly some proven dog behavior training methods to correct them. I will continue to add to this resource over the next few months. Hopefully this information proves to be a valuable resource for you - and your dog. 

I expand further on these rules within the specific dog behavior problems listed below.
  • A great number of puppy and dog behavioral problems are the result of separation anxiety.
  • Many behavior problems (such as barking, biting and digging) stem from a lack of communication, or miscommunication between you the owner and your dog. Simply put, your dog is not aware of what is expected of him/her (I'll just say him from now on to make it easier).
  • Applying some proper obedience training at an early stage (the earlier the better!) is a most effective technique to correct any behavior problems, and also to prevent any future problems. The fact that you are reading this page possibly means it is too late for this tip!
  • Set boundaries of acceptable and unacceptable behavior for your dogs, and stick to them. Be consistent, make it simple for your dog:
    • Be clear that you are always the alpha dog or leader in your owner-dog relationship.
    • Make it clear to him what is unacceptable behavior - every time.
    • Make it clear to him what is acceptable behavior - every time.
  • Even though it may seem as though your dog is behaving poorly to spite you or annoy you this is not the case. In the vast majority of dog behavior problems there will be a cause or trigger which sparks the behavior. Identifying these triggers is the crucial first step towards solving the problem.
  • Be careful you are not inadvertently rewarding the very behavior you are trying to eliminate. An example of this would be if your dog is barking excessively outside, you then go to the door and call him inside. You're encouraging and rewarding the behavior, and therefore he is sure to do it again!.

Dog Behavior Training Can Make An
Enormous Difference To Your Dog's Life

It's a sad fact of life that the vast majority of dogs that end up in animal shelters (or worse) are there because of a bad behavioral problem. It doesn't have to be this way, most problems (like aggression and destructive behavior) are at the very least manageable, through proper dog behavior training.
If you consistently apply the proper training techniques and add some commitment and patience, you are sure to achieve pleasing results with your dog. 

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